i Use and Thoroughly Endorse this Program!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Seasons Greetings and Hope You Have an AWESOME 2010!

Thank you for visiting my Blog during what for some was a fantastic 2009. My hope is that you and your family have a great 2010 and your aspirations find fulfillment.

Some of you may have had the best year of your life and some alas the worst-that's the swings and roundabouts of this merry go round we call life. I welcome you to re-visit next year as we build our community of like minded individuals for common, Inspiration and Motivation with my goal to make it an AWESOME-2010

As always I welcome your connection-Cheers Kiaran-here in currently very summery Perth-not a snowflake in sight!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Primo Vacations-What's The Story?

I hesitated before scribbling this post as it's a little out of character with the theme of this site, yet upon reflection perhaps it matches very well. Confused?  Sorry it's midnight and it's been a long day.

One of the reasons I'm online is to fund my passion for travel. I have an interesting offline life that I enjoy and supports my life balance. However there are constraints mostly time and lack of career security that have guided me towards the online world of infinite potential to complement my overall aspirations.

The point of this ramble is the belief that many of you perusing this Blog may share a similar mindset to mine. Perhaps you have a contented relatively fulfilling life, but at the same time feel there's potentially more within the scope of your achievement and you're either actively or vaguely searching.

If that's not too Zen or nonsensical then here's the crux of this Blog.

You may want to take a serious look at this spanking brand new vacation opportunity. Check it out and if it intrigues you then either contact me directly OR click on the link for a REQUEST A CALLBACK and my PBA will get back to you.

Cheers Kiaran-hope your day is progressing outstandingly well!


Or Pop over to my other Blog dedicated specifically to Primo 

Friday, December 11, 2009

Deciphering Your Twitter Activity

I have a love hate with Twitter. Actually more of a mild sense of goodwill versus mutterings about how pointless and banal it all is!

Yet I accept the need to embrace and ADAPT in order to weave this ubiquitous social medium into my life. And there is no doubt that we haven't scratched the surface regarding how you can leverage the likes of twitter to achieve any number of great tasks.

This is a quick post: If you have more than 50 or so followers on Twitter you might want to check out the application below called TWITIN-Yes I know! How many more variations of the tweet word can they come up with?

It's pretty self-explanatory. you input your Twitter name and you can check out who's following you back, and who isn't! How many are actual fans-ie interested in your commentary and advice on how to better position yourself within the organization. I'm not a big fan of trying to chase lots of people to try and build volume-it's almost a request to get spammed, but you do have the facility to niche target your area of interest. E.G those who Tweet specifically about: sport. politics, Celebrities (why!!!?) or marketing or about their city. 

to me this is a more engaging audience to hook up to and whilst many won't play the game of You follow me and I'll follow you, that's not an issue anyway until you reach 2000 people you follow. Confused? Don't be. By the time you're following that many you'll understand the game-suffice to say that once you reach that number you need to have at least a 90% Following you ratio-otherwise you can't follow more than 2001 people! Funnily enough life will still go on!!

They also have a pretty neat twitter badge which I've added to my Blogs as you can see on the side.

Keep in touch-and contact me if I can be of some value to you-Cheers Kiaran 

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Social Media-Benefits Even for the Reluctant

Why are you Online? Is it to kill time? To connect with people of similar interests? To vent your frustrations to an unknown audience? For Business reasons? Research and study? 

Surfing the Net has become a ubiquitous activity. When did you last look up the Yellow Pages? Or use a Dictionary? Our lives are changing rapidly and our means of sourcing knowledge is impacting and permeating every aspect of the economy.

There are dangers of ignoring 'the elephant in the room' however. There was a time a decade or so ago when it was kind of cute to rebel against the mobile phone. A generation is beginning to realize that adapting to texting, email and social networking is virtually imperative if they wish to maintain contact with kids grand kids and extended family. How many Christmas cards are you expecting this year? Less I'm guessing than 5 years ago.

At some point we all make decisions whether to embrace or rebel against a technology. We can try ignoring it for awhile but eventually we are forced to confront it. We make decisions NOT to smoke or NOT to email or NOT to Facebook. 

This is not a choice of right versus wrong, but our choices determine how connected we are to our community. I'd love to have the time to randomly call up friends, relatives, former sporting acquaintances, previous work colleagues and interesting people I've recently been introduced to, but alas I don't have 10 hours a day to chew the fat and nurture these relationships. And neither I guess do they.

What happens therefore is that these relationships wither on the vine and are sporadically rekindled at weddings and funerals. In times long gone you could go down to the 'Local' Church or Market and maintain dozens of relationships-for most these times are gone.

The value of Social networking is not that it affords the opportunity to broadcast drivel to the world, rather that relationships can be renewed, cultivated and new ones engaged in relatively easily. I still don't have time to engage directly with thousands of Online Connections, but I can keep in touch with those that allow me albeit fleetingly pop up on their Twitter or Facebook forums. 

The challenge today is that it is becoming increasingly difficult to keep in touch with those who are not in our immediate circle so I encourage all those who though reluctant to embrace social media technology to consider giving it a go-you might be surprised at who connects with you-and if Online interaction is not textured enough for your tastes, it can certainly facilitate face to face 'catch ups' offline.

Hope your day is progressing well-always welcoming of comments-Cheers Kiaran

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Url Shorteners

Here's a link to a random recent Blog regarding Url Shorteners. This is almost a pre-requisite of any Blogging, Tweeting or Facebooking-the ability to condense long ugly Url's into a small neat space.

Cheers Kiaran