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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

This is not a dating Blog! Laughing out loud (LOL)

Yes I know all you hip over 40s knew what LOL was-took me a while to figure it out I confess.

It's recently occurred to me that the number one search result for over 40s online is in the realm of dating agencies and such like. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against the idea and if I was single perhaps I'd venture into that world, but I admit to being surprised at the prevalence of search results almost exclusively on this topic.

Surely there are other areas of interest for this demographic, which incidentally encompasses half the population.

this Blogsite is still finding its voice and I'd welcome any feedback regarding what you'd like to read about-if anything. I'll assume if you've landed on this site albeit momentarily there was something you were hoping to find.

So, before you mowsy off (spellcheck didn't like that word!), let us know what you'd like in the area of content for the over 40's. Obviously we can't be everything to everyone but as we build this little online community in the dark recesses of cyberspace, i'd like to increase the odds of you returning!

So let us know if laughter, music, celebrity gossip-urgggggh-I hope not, health, fitness, travel (my passion), inspiration or sport takes your fancy, or whatever you'd like to find at this Blog.

Finally I have a little tongue in cheek observation to make. Whilst Googling 'over 40's online' to see what comes up, I did indeed find that 9 out of 10 page one listings were for dating sites etc, yet this humble (or not so humble!) blurb did come in at #1! LOL......

PS: there's a brand new social media site similar to Twitter, but obviously fresher and so far less spammy that I'm checking out called 'youbuzz'. it's the brainchild of Aussie Darren Gaudry, well known in online circles.

If you'd like to pop over and check out you can click here. If you haven't embraced Twitter or Facebook etc but want to venture into this sphere I think you'll find it a less cluttered and pretty friendly forum. My link is www.youbuzz.com/mypaidvacations

Thanks for visiting and as always I'd welcome your comments-especially the positive ones!
Cheers Kiaran

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