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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Facebook or Twitter, Why Bother?

Do you really care what some distant acquaintance thinks about the weather or the economy, or last nights episode of celebrity chef? Probably not, yet you may be missing out on a fantastic medium for connecting with really interesting like minded people if you totally reject this type of forum. If you can't beat them why not join them!

The beauty of Facebook and Twitter is that you can pick and choose exactly who you want to engage. If they bore you with their inane commentary, then you can HIDE their comments for a week or so, or simply give them the bullet! A bit easier than in the Offline world. Guess what?  They won't even know.

Facebook I find is a little more sociable and whilst many do pitch their home based business ideas or try to foist their political opinions on you, if you have a reasonably eclectic group that you occasionally engage with it can be not only entertaining but also quite informative.

News will hit these networking sites, often hours before main stream media. You can upload photos or small video files and engage rapidly with a vast array of people.

Twitter is potentially more anonymous. Many use it purely to build a data base or audience so they can blast them almost spam-like with messages on an hourly rate. If you don't buy in too much to the concept of building thousands of followers unless the perceived increase in social status is your objective then it can serve a purpose of sharing your 'content' with like minded people.

To connect with long lost friends, or relatives they can be fantastic mediums, and you can choose to indulge daily or weekly or once in a blue moon. I like that you get a reminder of peoples' birthdays so you can send a meaningful comment and online card.

I do use these networking sites for some business activity, and I do 'Follow' people that I can learn from with no expectation of a reciprocal relationship, however my main objective is to simply engage and connect with like minded people for Fun and Inspiration.

If any of this resonates please connect below. Hope you're having a great day!


My other Blog sites are:
http://kiaranfinn.blogspot.com-A bit of naval gazing wry social commentary not to be taken too seriously!

http://kiaranfinn-online.blogspot.com-My training Blog for new Online Marketers

http://kiaranfinn.wordpress.com-Only of interest to those pursuing a fulltime business Online.

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