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Sunday, November 1, 2009

How's Your life Balance?

This is an article I published to Ezine Articles a couple of months back, but thought it might fit appropriately.

Midst the hustle and bustle of nurturing our careers in order to pay the mortgage, support the kids and animals, do some renovations, take an occasional holiday, oh and of course put some 'excess' funds away for the rainy day-(who's got excess funds anyway?)-do you ever feel that there doesn't really be time to do the important non-work stuff?

What stuff? You know, the stuff you'd want to do if your crystal ball told you you only had a couple of years left in your mortal coil. Perhaps indulgence in your art or sculpturing. Perhaps writing that novel you've been talking about for twenty years. Trekking through Nepal, renewing your vows, taking up Yoga, doing that course in NLP, or any number of seriously important non work activities that just never seem to get done.

Maybe it's time to take a step backwards for a moment and observe whether or not these are flights of fantasy that need to be consigned to the 'will never happen' basket or to decide that perhaps it's time to naval gaze for a bit and decide if there any new life directions that need to be taken. If not now, then when?

Here's the article, hope it resonates a little. If so I'd love to hear your thoughts. Have a great day!

Why is it that so many people love Fridays yet don't like Mondays? This is not a trick question, as the answer perhaps seems obvious.

Many millions of commuters identify the daily grind of competing with the masses as a necessary evil in the pursuit of the wherewithal to pay for life's bare necessities.

The weekend however provides the opportunity to indulge in social activities. Catching up with friends for drinks, coffee, meals and good banter. Perhaps to pursue hobbies and crafts. Paint landscapes, re-build old cars, write the grand novel go for long treks with loved ones whilst contemplating the marvel of life.

The reality of course is somewhat different. Monday comes around all too quick. The weekend is spent cleaning, gardening, taking kids to sport, paying the bills, catching up on the news and worrying about work.

Is your work complementing your life or getting in the way of family time and meaningful endeavors. Are you energized, enthused, motivated and empowered or stressed, frustrated, constantly tired, and on edge? If so surely there's got to be another way. Is the alternative to work, the pursuit of a hippy life on some commune?

Millions of people are now searching for alternate solutions to the 40-hour week x 40 years to retirement existence that will be the default life for the masses.

The exciting news is that we currently live in the midst of greater opportunity and accessibility to knowledge than ever before in the history of the human race.There are more choices available regarding how to spend our time and earn a living than we can count.There are people working in their pyjamas at home earning more money and spending less time doing it than most of their friends spend just commuting to and from their labour of love

One of the great paradoxes of life, is that so many will spend their precious and finite hours in quiet desperation working to a plan that if successful will not even provide them with their desires.

Life balance is precious. There are alternate ways to live your life. Change jobs. Learn a new language. Live abroad for a year. Work from home. Try something new. Just do something different once in awhile!

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